Sponsor News
Welcome to all the new sponsors that have joined us in 2023! Here is a short newsletter which is specifically about anything to do with the child sponsorship at Metro Kids Africa. I hope you enjoy reading it!
Did you know that we now have children to sponsor in Uganda as well as South Africa?
Recently, I went to Uganda and met with the small number of children who already have a sponsor through Metro Kids Africa.
Life in Uganda is very different to life in South Africa. Uganda is a more rural country with 70% of people living in rural areas. It is normal to have a small piece of land on which a family will grow food to live from.
Uganda, after many turbulent years, is now a peaceful country and does not suffer from the violence that children live with in the dangerous townships of South Africa. But Uganda is much poorer than South Africa and children live a very simple life with technology not being available or relevant to their lifestyle. The majority of people do not have water in their homes and collect this from a spring or borehole.
There is little government schooling in Uganda which means the majority of children have to go to private schools to be educated. The private schools only need 1 qualified teacher per school and are often very poor. Metro Kids Africa has partnered with 2 of the schools where we run the Metro Kids Africa programmes each week. These 2 schools are where we are hoping to sponsor many children. The monthly donation pays for the sponsored child’s school fees and this is a huge help to the child’s family. It is not uncommon for children to drop out of school because their families cannot afford the school fees.
For a small amount of money a child’s life can be changed for the better in Uganda. When James, myself and Unathi (our manager in South Africa) saw the level of poverty and the need for education on our recent visit, we were challenged to help personally and now we have children we support in Uganda.
Thank you all for your caring hearts and willingness to help children in Africa. We are not asking for more from yourselves except that you love, pray and continue to support your child. But we would love your help in finding new sponsors for our Ugandan children. If you know anyone in your family or amongst friends work colleagues who would be willing to sponsor a child in Africa, please talk to them and ask them to get in touch with me on [email protected]
Thank you
Janet and all at MKA