About us

Metro Kids Africa briefly explained

Metro Kids Africa is a non-profit organization that seeks to serve children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, “Helping Children Create a Better Future”. Thousands of children are served weekly through, after-school and school programmes, child sponsorship, home visits, compassionate care, camps and teenage mentorship programmes.
Metro Kids Africa is founded on Christian principles and believes that a relationship with Jesus Christ will bring long-lasting life change.
We are currently working in two countries. We started in South Africa in 2005 and in Uganda in 2014. HIV, AIDS and child-headed households are common in both places, but each country has its own problems.
South Africa
Violent crime dominates many neighbourhoods in South Africa. Wealth inequality and a high level of unemployment are major problems. Furthermore, poverty, alcoholism, drug addiction and fatherlessness determine the lives of many children. In addition, South Africa has one of the worst rates of child rape. The majority of children growing up in South Africa are confronted with this.
Uganda has one of the youngest populations in the world, with 48% of its population under the age of 14. It is a poor country and has been ranked as one of the most corrupt. Most people live in rural areas, where they spend hours every day walking to fetch water.
Team South Africa

Team Uganda

All staff in South Africa and Uganda are local people who want to make a difference in their own communities. Many of the employees in South Africa grew up participating in Metro Kids Africa programmes.
Metro Kids Africa Story
James and Janet Senior are the founding members of Metro Kids Africa.
They moved from the UK to South Africa with their 4 young children in 2004 after feeling God direct them to do this.
They had been privileged to know Pastor Bill Wilson who founded Metro World Child in the USA.
Metro World Child works with thousands of underprivileged youth and James and Janet felt the programmes they use would benefit children in the townships of Cape Town.
Metro Kids Africa is now a multicountry organisation reaching over 48,000 weekly in Uganda and South Africa.

James, Chief Executive Officer

James and Janet Senior
Janet, Chief Operations Manager
Janet looks after the day-to-day running of operations. Her desire is to see Metro Kids Africa operate with good organisational structures in place while not forgetting the love and care that is essential to the work of Metro Kids Africa.
She focus’ mainly on the child sponsorship programme, funding, special projects and overseeing the staff and volunteers.
Our Vision and Mission

Metro Kids Africa’s vision is to see communities transformed by raising up leaders, teachers and pastors from the streets and from the poverty stricken neighbourhoods of Cape Town and beyond; empowering and developing children, one by one, that they may bring hope to the next generation, bearing fruits that will change the nation.
Metro Kids Africa is committed to serving children and young people who are born into difficult circumstances.
Families do not want their children’s lives to be damaged by the issues around them, but instead want their children to grow up in safe communities with young people becoming responsible adults. Metro Kids Africa’s goal is “To Help Children Create a Better Future”.
How Do We Do This
- We teach Christian-based life skills and values each week at programmes thousands of children attend. We conduct after-school programmes, school sessions, camps, small groups and personal mentorship programmes.
- We establish personal relationships and mentorships through a Child Sponsorship programme and weekly home visits.
- We donate compassionate care food parcels, clothing and school supplies to those families who are in great need.
- We work together with other non-profit organisations and churches for the benefit of the children and young people.