Sponsor a child in Africa
Do you want to become a part of a child’s life and make a difference?

The child sponsorship is a vital part of Metro Kids Africa. The children chosen to be a part of the sponsorship programme are children that are consistent, faithful attendees of Metro Kids Africa programmes. The children chosen all live in impoverished areas and extra support from a sponsor can make a huge difference in their lives.
How our child sponsorship programme works
Decide to sponsor a child in Africa
You can choose a child in Uganda or South Africa. It costs £25, R250 or $30 a month. This donation goes to help the programmes your child attends and in Uganda pays for your child’s school fees. Your sponsored child will also receive regular visits from a mentor and a food parcel for the whole family.
We encourage you to have regular written contact with your sponsored child. You can also give additional gifts for birthdays, Christmas and other occasions if you wish.
Metro Kids Africa, as a mediator, takes care of all correspondence and protects both child and sponsor from impropriety.
Become a part of your child’s life
As the sponsor you are invited to become a part of your child’s life; encouraging them, believing in them, showing your child someone cares as well as listening and taking an interest in how their life is going. You can write to your child as often as you wish and your child will reply.
The child sponsorship programme changes and influences the life of your child and his whole family. Try it and you will see how it changes your whole life too!

As a sponsor, you will make a big difference in the life of an African child! The children in the child sponsorship programme all live in South Africa or Uganda. Life there is tough. South Africa has one of the highest gun homicide rates in the world. Many children grow up without a father and face crime, gangs, HIV, sexual abuse and rape on a daily basis. Childhood innocence simply does not happen in the disadvantaged areas of South Africa.
Still not sure?

What people say about their sponsor child