
South Africa
James and I were both encouraged greatly with the time we spent in Cape Town in May. All of the programmes are thriving and the staff team have developed and matured greatly in the last few years. This team are very special to James and I as we have known many of them since they were children attending the Sidewalk programme in their area. We take great pleasure in seeing the staff passionate and full of love and care for the children in their communities. Ncedisa, Tham Tham, Nosie, Inga, Nomaphelo and Yandiswa have all grown up in the MKA programmes. They started as children attending Sidewalk each week, then as volunteer leaders whilst in high school, before joining the MKA internship programme and finally becoming employed full time. This progression from child attendee to a staff member caring for the children around them is a huge testimony of the success of MKA.

Cape Town has been affected greatly by the pandemic. It is a beautiful city and has millions of tourists visit each year to experience and enjoy the many delights of Cape Town. Sadly thousands of people have suffered with unemployment as restaurants, markets, hotels and day trips stopped. A common story told by all the staff was that pre-covid they would be responsible for financially helping 2 or 3 family members but now they have 7 or more people depending on them to pay for children’s school fees, food, clothing, rent money and more.
We see this decline in people’s income with terrible consequences. Time and time again we see letters from children, who have received a food gift, writing how there was no food in their home and their mother was afraid and anxious about how she would feed her children.
One little girl named Chuma wrote this letter to her sponsor:
“Some days can be very difficult because there are days we can go to bed without having anything to eat because my mom is unemployed and we live off social grant. Stressing about food is draining and it is one of my mom’s biggest problems. My aunt sometimes makes/cooks food and brings it to us. I truly thank you for this great food parcel it is such a great help.
I am happy to receive it. I thank you so much.”